I loved art class as a kid and wanted to be an art teacher when I grew up.  My first memory of creating something was for a contest the Denver Symphony held.  I couldn’t find a paint brush at home, so I painted an abstract picture blowing paint through a straw that represented my idea of music.  I won the contest and my painting appeared on the cover of a symphony program.

I’ve been painting, crafting, singing, sewing, and writing ever since.

I graduated from the University of Colorado with a degree in American History, Literature, and the History of American Music.  I really wanted to be a professional singer, but times were different then and I ended up in law school at Denver University, which suited me well too.  I enjoyed the intellectual challenge and helping people.

After practicing law for many years, I let my left brain take a little rest while I got back to making art.  And also exploring the connection we share with each other and nature, and how to expand feelings of worthiness.  All of this led me to study personal transformational methods, brain research, and meditation.  I try to integrate what I’ve learned into my own life and share with others.

I like diving deep into questions, gaining new knowledge and skills, and expanding my awareness about everything.   Then using those experiences to better my life and the lives of others.  I’m a renaissance person.  I never tire of exploring and learning.

Thank you for visiting.  Click on the tabs to find out more about me and what I do.  Hope you’ll be in touch. Subscribe below if you’d like to be notified of my art shows and other occasional news.